Etsy SEO For Beginners: How To Improve Your Store’s Rankings Fast

Want to learn the secret to effective Etsy SEO? You’re in the right place.

To sell products on Etsy, you need your target customers to be able to find them. 

But unfortunately, even with a fantastic product catalog, a lot of new sellers struggle to get their listings to show up in the search results—and that limits their ability to make sales.

In this beginner’s guide to Etsy SEO, I’ll share 25 ways to improve your rankings fast and drive more organic traffic to your store, so you can start getting the sales you deserve.

But first, let’s start with the basics…

What is Etsy SEO?

Etsy SEO (search engine optimization) is the practice of taking steps to improve the visibility of your Etsy shop and products so that customers can discover them more easily.

The goal is to increase the chance of your listings showing up at the top of the organic results (pointed out in the image below) when potential customers search for products like yours.

etsy seo etsy homepage

That’ll require you to optimize your listings for both Etsy itself—which has its own internal search engine—and for web search engines like Google, which often surface Etsy stores in internet searches.

Later, I’ll reveal 25 things you can do to optimize your Etsy store for both Etsy and Google.

However, to make sense of those strategies, you’re first going to need a basic understanding of how Etsy’s ranking algorithm works.

How Etsy ranks product listings

When a shopper enters a search query on Etsy, the first thing Etsy does is crawl through all the products in its marketplace to pick out all the listings that match that query.

It does this by looking at things like the words and phrases (i.e. keywords) that are included in each product page’s title, description, tags, categories, attributes, etc. 

Next, Etsy’s algorithm looks at a bunch of different ranking factors to figure out which order it should show these matched products in the search results, with the goal of placing items that the customer is more likely to purchase closer to the top of the page.

Etsy is pretty transparent about the way its ranking algorithm works. The main ranking factors it considers are:

  • Shop Quality. The quality of your shop impacts your rankings. Etsy looks at factors like your Shop title, description, policies, sections, icons, visuals, and announcements. The more relevant, trustworthy, and authoritative your shop is, the higher you’ll rank.
  • Listing Quality. The quality of each of your product listings also impacts your rankings. Including things like high-quality photos, a clear and fair return policy, a detailed description, fair postage prices, etc. will all help you to rank.
  • Customer Service History. Etsy ranks listings from sellers with a good track record of customer service higher. It looks at your average review rating, message response rate, case rate, and on-time dispatches from the past 3 months to evaluate your customer service history.
  • Relevance. The more relevant your products are to the search query, the higher they rank. To determine relevancy, Etsy looks for keywords in places like your title, descriptions, image alt-text, etc. as well as your product tags, categories, and attributions.
  • Engagement Score. Etsy uses clues from shoppers to give each product listings an ‘engagement score’. The higher your engagement score, the higher you’ll rank. Factors that impact your engagement score include your conversion rate and how often shoppers click, favorite, or purchase your products.
  • Postage Prices. Etsy knows that high postage prices discourage buyers, so it prioritizes listings with low postage prices in the search results. This is especially important for US domestic sellers.
  • Recency. Newer listings receive small, temporary boosts in the search results to give Etsy a chance to gather data about how buyers interact with them. As such, the date you published your listing will have a slight impact on your rankings. 
  • User Behaviors. Etsy personalizes the order of listings on the results page for each shopper based on factors like their previous purchases and other on-site behaviors, their location, etc. 

25 Etsy SEO tips to help you rank

Next, I’m going to share a ton of Etsy SEO strategies you can use to optimize your store and product listings around those ranking factors so that the algorithm pushes you up the search results.

You don’t have to do everything in this guide. But the more steps you take, the better your chances of ranking will be.

I’d recommend treating this like an Etsy SEO checklist. Bookmark this page so that you can keep coming back whenever you have time to work on your SEO.

#1 – Always target long-tail keywords

There are over 7.5 million active sellers on Etsy, and you’re competing with all of them in the search results.

As a result, it’s extremely difficult for new sellers to rank for short keywords (broad search queries with just 1-3 words).

For example, if we look at the results on Etsy for the query digital planners, we can see that they’re dominated by established stores with thousands of positive reviews.

always target long tail keywords digital planner

New sellers aren’t going to be able to compete with that. So instead, it’s a better idea to target long-tail keywords. 

These are more specific search queries that include more words. While they’re searched less frequently, they tend to be much less competitive. Plus, buy intent tends to be much higher with long-string queries.

So instead of digital planners, we could target a keyword like digital planners for college students, or retro blue undated digital planner

always target long tail keywords retro blue undated digital planner

You’re better off ranking on the first page for a niche keyword like this that’s searched <1000 times a month than on page 50 for a broad competitive keyword that’s searched 100k times a month.

To find relevant, long-string keywords that your target customers are searching for, you’ll need to do some keyword research.

One method you can try is to use Google or Etsy autocomplete. 

Simply type in a broad keyword that describes your product followed by any letter (e.g. digital planners a…) and look at the suggestions to gather ideas. 

always target long tail keywords broad keywords

You can also try placing the letter on the other side…

always target long tail keywords google search

An even better option is to use dedicated Etsy keyword research tools like eRank or Marmalead.

always target long tail keywords erank

eRank can generate hundreds of long-string keyword ideas from any seed keyword and give you the metrics you need to validate them, like their average search volume, clicks & CTR, and competition rating.

#2 – Optimize your Etsy Shop

Etsy looks at the quality of your Etsy shop when deciding how to rank your listings, so it has to be good.

Here’s what you need to do…

Optimize your shop title

Your shop title should describe your shop niche and the items you sell, and include your priority keywords. You only have 55 characters to work with—make them count!

optimize your shop title shop niche

Optimize your shop description

This appears beneath your shop name.

optimize your shop description beneath shop name

EEAT (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness) is an important consideration for both Google and Etsy, and your shop description is your opportunity to demonstrate that EEAT. 

Discuss your expertise and trustworthiness as a seller by explaining your background, creative process, years of experience, and anything else you think will promote trust and make you seem like an expert in your niche.

Note: EEAT isn’t a ranking factor. However, it is still extremely important. All of these factors create a better experience for users and encourage them to trust you. This is critical for any business.

Add a shop icon

Etsy has made it clear that they specifically look for a shop icon when deciding which products to prioritize in the SERPs, so make sure you have one. 

add a shop icon serps

Organize your inventory into categories

Once you have enough listings, you can use the categories option to group them into organized sections.

organize your inventory into categories group

This helps with your SEO as Etsy loves it when sellers utilize their tools to make their shops look the part. Plus, it makes it easier for customers browsing your store to find products, which could help boost your conversion rate (another important ranking factor).

Add keywords everywhere

Include the target keywords you’re trying to rank for wherever possible across your Etsy shop (as long as it sounds natural!). 

For example, that might include in your shop story, categories, announcements, etc. 

Fill out your shop policies

Sellers who have completely filled out their shop policies get a bump in the search results, so make sure you’ve done this.

You can do so by going to Your Shop > Shop Settings > Shop policies

Add information about delivery timescales, payment options, returns and exchange policies, etc.

Add visuals

Google and Etsy both love visuals, so use them. 

You can add up to 5 images and 1 video in the About section of your shop, which you could use to highlight your product range or creative process.

add visuals google & etsy

Don’t forget to optimize their meta descriptions and alt-text with relevant keywords.

#3 – Optimize your product listing title

The title of your product listing has arguably the biggest impact on your rankings. Why? Two reasons:

  1. Etsy and Google look at your listing title to determine its relevance to search queries, making it an important ranking factor.
  2. Many customers browsing Etsy will decide whether to click on your listing based on the title, and CTR (click-through rate) is another important ranking factor.

As such, it’s important not just to optimize your product listing title for keywords, but also for maximum clicks and conversions.

Here are some tips.

Front-load your primary target keyword 

Try to include the keyword you’re trying to rank at the start of the listing title, as that’s what shoppers see first when browsing. It’s also important because search engines only show the first 50 to 60 characters of your title.

Include other related and long-string keywords that shoppers might search for

After your primary keyword, try to fit in any other related keywords your target shoppers might search for—but avoid keyword stuffing (repeating the same words over and over again).

You should use punctuation marks or symbols to separate each keyword. This makes it easier for Etsy search algorithms to understand each phrase, and it also makes it easier on the eyes.

For example, if you search for ‘Passport wedding invitation’ on Etsy, you’ll see that all the top-ranking listings follow a similar title layout.

keywords that shoppers might search for related keywords

They front-load their title with the primary keyword and then add lots of additional keywords separated by commas (e.g. plane ticket invite, wedding abroad, boarding pass RSVP, etc.)

Clearly describe your item

It’s not all about keywords. You should also try to make sure your title clearly describes your item.

The goal is for anyone who sees it in the search results to be able to instantly read and understand what you’re selling at a glance.

#4 – Optimize your product descriptions

The product descriptions on your listings are just as important as your titles.

optimize your product descriptions important

As a general rule of thumb, you should aim to cover everything a potential shopper could possibly want to know in your descriptions. The more detailed, the better.

Some specific things to add include:

  • An overview of the product
  • A list of features/benefits/selling points
  • Information about variations
  • Information about personalization options
  • Delivery information and timescales
  • Your target keywords (include your main keyword in the first sentence)
  • FAQs
  • A clear return policy

The last one is especially important. Etsy states that having a return policy in the listing (even if that’s ‘No returns’) is a requirement for priority placement in the results. 

So if you don’t have one, you’re not going to rank.

#5 – Always add images (and optimize them)

Active product listings on Etsy must meet certain requirements to stand a chance of getting priority placements in the search results.

And guess what? Four of those requirements relate to images. Specifically, listings must:

  • Have at least one image
  • Use high-resolution images (>0.4 megapixels) for the primary photo
  • Use a singular image of a finished product for the primary photo (no collages or stitched images)
  • Have a primary photo that’s clear and well-lit

At a minimum, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve ticked all those boxes whenever you create a new product listing. That should be your top priority.

In addition, I’d recommend adding all 10 photos (that’s the maximum allowed) in each listing. 

always add images optimize images

This can increase your conversion rate because every additional image gives shoppers more information about the item you’re selling. 

And we know that Etsy looks at clues from shoppers to determine how high it should rank each listing and that one of those clues is your conversion rate. The higher your conversion rate, the higher you’ll rank.

Your 10 images should all be high-quality. I’d recommend a resolution of 2000 px and 72 PPI. They should be clear, well-lit, and show anything the shopper might want to see (like variations, different angles, etc.)

One more thing: Optimize your image alt text by adding descriptive sentences that include your target keyword(s). 

This is important for SEO as it helps Google and other search engines understand what’s in the image. Plus, it also makes your listing more accessible to people with visual impairments.

#6 – Add videos to your listings

Videos are even better than images when it comes to boosting your conversion rates (and with them, your rankings).

You can cram a ton of information about your product into a video and show it off in its best light. 

add videos to your listings add information

Plus, they’re much more engaging than walls of text, which makes it more likely that shoppers will stick around rather than click away.

All of this helps to increase internal metrics like average dwell time, click-through rate, and conversions that Etsy will reward you for with higher rankings.

The other great thing about videos is that they help you to rank in Google Search, as it gives you the chance to appear in snippets and the Video tab.

#7 – Add categories to all your listings (and make sure they’re as specific as possible)

When creating your product listing, you have the option to add a product category or subcategory—and this is another big ranking factor.

In fact, Etsy has outright said that one of their requirements for priority SERP placement is that listings must have a category that is ‘as specific as possible’

So, always choose the most specific subcategory option that’s available for the item you’re listing, rather than a broader, generic category.

In other words, if you’re selling a hand-painted water bottle, you don’t just choose Drink & Barware as your category.

Instead, you should choose the nested subcategory: Drink & Barware > Drinkware > Water Bottles.

add categories to all your listings drink & barware

See what I mean?

Keep in mind that when you add a specific subcategory, your products will still be included in all the categories that the subcategory is nested within (thus increasing your opportunities to rank). So there’s no good reason not to do this.

#8 – Add attributes to your listings 

Attributes are extra product details you can add after you’ve chosen a category.

I’m talking about things like colors, materials, patterns, etc. Some of these will be specific to individual categories. 

add attributes to your listings product details

For example, for items in the Home Decor category, you can add a Room attribute. 

Every attribute you add is essentially another keyword/tag that helps Etsy match your listing with shopper searches. 

So, make the most of them and add as many relevant attributes as possible, even if they’re not an exact match for your product. As long as they’re a close match, you should still use them.

For example, if the color of your product is teal, you might still add the color attributes Blue or Green even though they’re less precise, as this will help you to rank for more search queries.

#9 – Always use all 13 product tags

Tags are words/phrases that you can add to your listings to give Etsy more information about what it’s about (so it knows what search queries to match it with)

use all 13 product tags tags are words

Every tag you add is another opportunity to improve your visibility in the results, so you should always use all of them.

You can include up to 13 different tags on each listing. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  • Use multi-word phrases. It’s better to load your tags with multiple words than single words as that frees up other tags for you to use. For example, instead of using two tags for ‘Personalized’ and ‘Jewelry’, you can cram them into one: ‘Personalized Jewelry’. Keep in mind that each tag can be a maximum of 20 characters.
  • Add synonyms and regional phrases. For example, if you’re selling ‘flip flops’, Etsy won’t necessarily show your listings to customers searching for ‘sandals’ or ‘thongs’, even though they’re the same thing. So, you might want to add those synonyms as separate tags.
  • Prioritize less-competitive keywords. Target long-tail specific keywords like ‘canvas tote bag’ over broader, more competitive searches like ‘tote bag’. Shoppers often use these more specific queries and it’ll be easier to rank if you target them.
  • Adapt based on your analytics. Look at your Shop Stats to see which listings are getting less traffic. Then, consider refreshing the tags on those listings and diversifying the keywords you’re targeting.

#10 – Don’t repeat the same words in your tags

A lot of new Etsy sellers make the mistake of repeating the same words multiple times in their tags.

For example, let’s say you’re selling a pack of Christmas cards. 

You might be tempted to add these tags: Christmas cards, Santa cards, Cute cards, Xmas cards.

But you’ve used the word ‘Cards’ three times there, which is unnecessary.

Etsy cross-searches your tags so you only need to use each word once without repeating anything. Even if that makes individual tags seem nonsensical, it’s better for SEO.

Therefore, a better idea in this scenario would be to use these two tags: Cute xmas cards, Christmas Santa

You’ve still included all the same words, but you’ve not repeated anything, so you’ve freed up two extra tags that you can now use for additional keywords.

You also don’t need to repeat words you’ve used in your categories or attributes in your tags as both of the above act like tags. So if your product is already listed in the Water Bottle subcategory, you don’t need to use the words ‘Water’ or ‘Bottle’ anywhere in your tags. 

And finally, you don’t need to include misspellings, plurals, or multiple languages in your tags. Etsy accounts for all this in its search function, so your listings will still show up if they’re relevant. 

#11 – Keep postage costs under $6

Etsy recently announced that as of October 2024, listings from US sellers with domestic postage prices lower than $6 will be prioritized in search.

If you charge customers anything over that amount for postage, your visibility in the results will be negatively impacted. 

‘But what if my postage costs are more than $6?’, I hear you say.

Easy—just move those costs over to your item price. For example, if you usually sell a product at $20 + $10 postage, just charge $30 instead and make postage free. 

If you have a large existing catalog and you don’t want to manually change your prices, don’t worry. Etsy has released a tool to help you move your US domestic shipping prices over in bulk, automatically.  

#12 – Always dispatch orders on time

Remember how earlier I mentioned that your customer service history is a major ranking factor?

Well, one of the metrics Etsy looks at to evaluate your customer service history is how often you dispatch orders on time. So naturally, you should always make dispatch orders within your given timescales. 

It’s not just about SEO either—it’s also just good practice for other reasons. 

Customers get frustrated if you don’t dispatch orders when you say you will, which can lead to negative reviews and harm your reputation as a seller.

#13 – Run sales and special offers

Etsy offers tools that allow sellers to run sales and offer special discounts. 

To set this up, go to your Shop Manager > Marketing > Sales and Discounts > Run a sale. Then, choose whether you want to offer a fixed percentage off or a free delivery sale.

run sales and special offers offer tools

This should give your listing a visibility bump in the search results, and help you to stand out from the competition. It also allows you to rank in the results to shoppers that have the ‘on sale’ filter selected, all of which help you get more clicks.

#14 – Reduce your processing time

Processing time—the time it takes you to process and dispatch orders—also impacts the customer experience. And with it, your rankings.

A lot of Etsy shoppers are there to buy gifts and need products to arrive in time for a birthday or holiday. 

If your processing times are too long, it can turn those potential buyers away and lose you a sale (conversion). And as we know, your conversion rate impacts your SEO performance on Etsy.

Keep that in mind when setting your processing time and avoid unnecessarily padding it. It should be as low as possible.

#15 – Respond to messages quickly

Your message response rate is a metric that tells Etsy how often/quickly you respond to inquiries from shoppers. It’s another metric that factors into your overall customer service score, which impacts rankings.

To boost your SEO, keep your average response time as low as possible. At a minimum, you should respond to every message within 48 hours—this is one of Etsy’s customer service standards.

But if possible, you should aim even higher than that. The faster you respond, the more likely you’ll convert that customer. And more conversions lead to higher rankings.

#16 – Reduce your case rate

If a customer has a problem with your order, they’re encouraged to reach out directly to the seller first (that’s you).

But if they can’t reach a resolution with the seller directly, shoppers can open a case with Etsy to have them step in. Etsy is able to issue a refund and take it from your Payment account if appropriate.

reduce your case rate reach out directly

Having lots of cases opened against you and refunds issued will negatively impact your customer service history, which in turn, negatively impacts your rankings.

The best way to avoid this is to do your best to resolve all customer complaints so they never need to open a case in the first place.

Sometimes, that might be unavoidable. However, if you’re found by Etsy to have met their customer service standards, they won’t count the case against you. 

#17 – Renew listings that aren’t performing well

New Etsy listings get small, temporary boosts in the search results pages that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

This is to give them a chance to get some initial clicks so that Etsy can learn how buyers interact with them and calculate their engagement score. 

Etsy then feeds that data back into its algorithm to figure out how to rank those listings going forward.

If it wasn’t for this, new listings would be forever buried far down in the results pages and wouldn’t ever have a chance to get seen by customers, so it’s a useful feature—one that savvy sellers can take advantage of.

If you create a product listing that isn’t performing as well as you expected it to—maybe it hasn’t had any clicks or conversions for a week or so—try deleting it and reposting it, or just renewing the listing. 

This will give it another bite at the cherry. Before you repost it, make some changes to increase the likelihood that this time, it’ll get more clicks and conversions right off the bat during that temporary visibility boost and won’t fall flat. For example, you might change the primary image (thumbnail) or product title.

Important note: This doesn’t mean you should be tempted to constantly create new listings or renew existing listings that are already performing well just for the temporary SEO boost. That’s not going to work. In fact, it’s probably going to hurt your SEO. Use this strategy sparingly and only on products that fail to get the traction they deserve.

#18 – Earn positive reviews

The more positive reviews your Etsy shop has, the higher it’ll rank. 

That’s because Etsy prioritizes sellers that consistently meet their customer service standards in search. And one of the main factors they look at to determine this is your average review rating.

In my experience, only around 1 in 10 customers on Etsy will leave a review. But there are some strategies you can try to increase that number and earn more. 

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Ask for reviews in your product listing or shop. There’s no harm in adding a sentence or two to your listings politely asking customers to leave a review if they’re happy with their purchase.
  • Offer exclusive discounts to customers who leave reviews. Busy shoppers have to take time out of their day to leave a review, so make it worth your while. You could add a line to your store saying ‘Leave a review to get 10% off your next purchase’ and follow up with customers who do by sending them a coupon code.
  • Include a handwritten thank you note with your orders. When you ship the item to the customer, add a thank you card inside the packaging. This is a small touch that makes a big difference. Showing your appreciation makes customers happy, and happy customers leave positive reviews.

#19 – Earn a Star Seller badge

If you consistently go above and beyond for customers and meet Etsy’s customer service standards, you’ll be rewarded with a Star Seller badge.

earn a star seller badge rewarded

Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t a direct ranking factor. So just having the badge itself won’t make Etsy rank you any higher in the SERPs.

However, what it does do is serve as a powerful trust signal. Shoppers who see the Star Seller badge next to your name are more likely to convert. 

And listings that have a higher conversion rate rank higher in the SERPs. So in a roundabout way, earning that Star Seller badge will improve your SEO.

To earn your badge, you’ll need to reach some predetermined milestones, which you can read about here. You can also check your progress towards Star Seller through your Etsy account.

#20 – Have a clearly defined niche

There’s some evidence that Etsy’s search algorithm looks at topical authority/consistency.

In other words, it ranks sellers that have a clearly defined niche higher than those that don’t.

For example, let’s say an Etsy shopper searches for the keyword ‘Heart-shaped silver necklace’

Now let’s imagine there are two different product listings that match that query, from two different sellers. 

In terms of SEO, they’re equal in every way, except for one:

  1. Store A only sells silver necklaces for women.
  2. Store B sells all types of jewelry, including watches, rings, necklaces, etc.

Store A has a laser-focused, clearly-defined niche that precisely matches the shoppers’ search intent. It’s an authority in that specific product category. 

Store B also matches the shoppers’ search intent, but it’s more of a general jewelry store—it doesn’t specialize specifically in silver necklaces like Store A.

So, Etsy is probably going to rank Store A higher than Store B, all other factors being equal.

The upshot of all this is that it’s worth focusing on a narrow, clearly defined niche. If you want to sell a variety of different types of products in different niches, make a different store for each of them so you don’t dilute your topical authority.

#21 – Look at your Shop Stats 

Etsy sellers can view data about their shop through the Stats dashboard. Just click Shop Manager > Stats to open it up.

look at your shop stats shop manager

Here, you’ll find all sorts of useful insights that you can feed back into your SEO strategy and adapt your approach going forward.

For example, under How shoppers found you, select Etsy search to see the keywords that are driving traffic to your shop.

Once you know which keywords are bringing you the most customers, you can start prioritizing those keywords and related terms in your tags, titles, etc.

You can also find other metrics about your individual listings. For example, you can see how many views, clicks, favorites, orders, and revenue each one has generated. 

If you notice one listing isn’t performing well, it’s a sign it might not be visible enough in the Etsy search results, so you can take steps to improve its SEO.

#22 – Check the Etsy Search Visibility page

One part of your Shop Stats to pay particular attention to is the Search Visibility page. 

It rates your SEO performance in three key areas (shop, customer service, listings), and provides personalized recommendations of actions you can take to improve each of your listings.

For example, it’ll tell you which (if any) of your product listings ‘could be in a more specific category’. It will tell you if ‘your pictures are too dark’ or if you ‘use a collage as the primary photo.’

Take steps to correct any issues that show up here and you should see a boost in the algorithm.

#23 – Audit your Etsy Store

For a more in-depth audit of your Etsy store, you can use third-party tools like eRank.

Their audits go a lot more in-depth compared to Etsy’s Search Visibility tool and they check your listings and shop against more ranking factors.

audit your etsy store erank

For example, eRank’s audit can analyze your titles and let you know if you need to make any changes, like placing your priority keyword closer to the start.

It can tell if you have any unused tags, detect potential spelling mistakes in your tags, and identify tons of other optimization opportunities you might have missed.

Plus it also grades each listing with an overall optimization score and visibility score to help you benchmark your performance and track improvements over time.

And it does a whole lot more besides that. If you’re serious about Etsy SEO, I’d definitely recommend checking it out.

#24 – Internally link between products

Internally linking between different product listings on your Etsy store helps pass ‘link authority’ from one page to the next.

That might sound a little technical, but all you need to know is that this can help to boost your rankings. 

It also helps search engines to better understand relationships between your products, which is good for query matching.

#25 – Build backlinks to your Etsy pages

Aside from external links, you should also try to build external backlinks. These are links elsewhere on the internet that people can click to go to your Etsy store.

Why does this matter? Well, most search engines use backlinks as a ranking factor. So, this can help your Etsy listings rank higher in search engines like Google.

Think of links like votes.

However, search engines also factor in the quality of those backlinks. 

Natural, relevant backlinks from authoritative sites will help you to rank, but spammy unnatural/bought backlinks will harm your SEO.

For example, if a reputable blogger in your niche writes about your shop and links to it, that sends the right kind of signal and can give you an SEO boost.

But if a dodgy blackhat link builder creates dozens of backlinks on irrelevant spam sites, don’t worry too much. Search engines like Google usually ignore these types of links.

There are lots of ways to organically build the right kind of backlinks. For example, you can reach out to bloggers who write about products in your niche and ask them if you can write a guest post on their site. 

Or you can send your products to influencers and publishers in your niche for free to try to get them to write a review of it, and ask them to link to it when they do.

Final thoughts

That concludes our beginner’s guide to Etsy SEO. I hope you found it useful.

Follow the advice in this post and you’ll reach the top of the search results before you know it.

But above all else, make sure you sell awesome products and consistently provide outstanding customer service. Get that right and you can’t go wrong!